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Don’t Let Hearing Loss Affect the Romance this Valentine’s Day

Posted on February 6, 2020

Hearing Loss

Studies have shown that hearing loss oftentimes makes people withdraw socially, affecting romance and communication between partners. But it doesn’t have to slow you down – with the right treatment and a few strategies for communicating in noisy spaces, you can have a great evening out with your favorite Valentine.

Dating Tips for Hearing Aids Wearers

If you wear hearing aids, the below tips can help you communicate your best this Valentine’s Day:

Choose a Practical Venue

You know your hearing limitations better than anyone else, so it’s important for you to advocate for a location or venue that won’t impede your ability to have a conversation with your partner. For example, in a loud bar or a crowded, popular restaurant, you may have difficulty hearing your partner’s voice over the sound of background noise. A quiet picnic in the park or cooking dinner together at home may be a better option for you.

Check Your Hearing Devices

The last think you want is for your hearing aid batteries to die on your date. Make sure to pop a fresh set of batteries into your hearing devices, or charge your rechargeable devices within a few hours of your date. You may also want to use a multi-tool to clean wax and debris out of your devices to prevent feedback and whistling.

Communicate Your Needs

Your partner loves you and wants to have the best time with you possible. Make sure to speak up if you need your partner to alter the way they’re communicating with you, whether it’s asking them to talk a little slower or sit next to you on the side of your good ear. If you’re going out to a restaurant for Valentine’s Day, you can ask your host/hostess to seat you at a table in a corner away from the kitchen, and request that your waiter brings you a written copy of the dinner menu.

We want you to have the best night possible with your Valentine. To schedule a hearing exam or to talk to your provider about reprogramming or upgrading your devices, call Pinnacle ENT Associates today!

Learn More About Hearing Loss

Abington, PA ENT Office Locations

1245 Highland Ave, #502
Abington, PA 19001
(215) 886-1482