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Take a Holistic Approach to Healthy Aging

Posted on August 16, 2024


You’re only as old as you feel, so why not feel your best? Embracing a holistic approach to healthy aging involves adopting and maintaining the healthy habits below—the earlier these habits take root, the better off you’ll be! 

Exercise Your Body 

Do you want to travel to Paris, take up kayaking or simply be able to play with your grandchildren during your golden years? Having a healthy body will make any goal easier to accomplish. 

Try to get about 2.5 hours of physical exercise per week (around 20 minutes a day), and incorporate a mix of aerobic, weightlifting and balance activities.  

Give Your Brain a Workout 

Engaging in brain-stimulating activities keeps the mind sharp. It’s fine to participate in hobbies you already enjoy, but also be open to trying new things, like learning to play an instrument or speak a different language, to give your brain a boost.   

You can also give online brain-training exercises a shot—they may help improve your memory, cognition and creativity. 

Stay Connected to Others 

You’ve accumulated a lifetime’s worth of friends and family members, but when was the last time you got together? Prioritize regularly reaching out to your loved ones. It can be as simple as chatting on the phone once a month or maintaining a weekly meetup for coffee—meaningful interactions don’t have to take much time.  

It’s also good to meet new people as you age. Volunteering or taking a class can give you a chance to connect with others interested in the same things you are, allowing you to turn mere acquaintances into forever friends. 

Keep Your Hearing Going Strong 

Did you know that treating age-related hearing loss is a quality-of-life booster? Hearing aid users report improved communication abilities, better relationships at work and home, more self-confidence and a greater sense of independence

By following our healthy habits for aging well, you’ll find more joy and meaning in your life. Ready to get started on one of them? Request a hearing consultation with us!