Could Honey Cure Your Allergies?
Could Honey Cure Your Allergies? In Lubbock, Texas, Cal Brints, a local honey producer, thinks local raw honey is the bee’s knees as a treatment...
Posted on February 17, 2022
AllergyA good night’s sleep is essential to our overall health and well-being. Everyone has different preferences for achieving quality sleep. Some people prefer softer mattresses, while others prefer firm. Similarly, some people prefer having their pets sleep in bed with them, while others don’t. Let’s examine some of the pros and cons of sharing a bed with your pet.
The companionship and love we feel towards our pets can have a positive effect on our mental health. Owning pets can decrease anxiety and depression and boost our overall mood, which can improve sleep. A 2018 study even found that people suffering from chronic pain experienced feelings of relaxation and greater well-being when sleeping with their pets. It also helped counter the loneliness that many people with chronic illnesses face.
Sharing a bed always comes with the possibility of negatively impacting your sleep, and with pets, it’s no different. Dogs and cats have different natural sleep cycles than humans. Sharing a bed could mean frequent disturbances from your pet, which could lead to lower quality sleep. It also has the potential to make your allergies worse if you are sensitive to pet dander.
Lastly, you should never sleep with a new puppy or a pet that is prone to aggression. This is especially true if your children share the bed with you as well.
Whether or not sleeping with your pet is a good idea is largely a matter of personal preference. If you find that the comfort and happiness it brings helps you get a better night’s sleep, then do it! If you find that your pet is waking you or your partner up, a crate in the bedroom might be a better option.
At Pinnacle ENT Associates, all we care about is that you are getting the best sleep possible. Whatever your preferences, our sleep experts can help you and your family establish a healthy sleeping strategy based on your custom sleep needs. Request an appointment today!
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