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Common Reasons for Ear Pain

Posted on March 29, 2024


Ear pain is a widespread issue that impacts people of all age groups. While it’s typically not indicative of a serious health issue, recognizing the primary causes can help in preventing further complications related to ear pain.

Understanding the Main Causes of Ear Discomfort

Man with ear pain holds ear

There are varying causes of ear pain, ranging in severity. For persistent symptoms or symptoms that extend past the ear, call your doctor. They can help with diagnosis and treatment. Potential causes may include:

  • Infections: The most common types of ear pain originate from middle ear infections, or otitis media, characterized by fluid build-up behind the eardrum, and outer ear infections, also known as otitis externa. This is likely caused by bacterial growth from trapped water.
  • Sinus infections: Sinus and allergy issues can lead to ear pain due to congestion and inflamed nasal passages exerting pressure on the ear canal.
  • Eustachian tube dysfunction: Blockages in the tube that connects the ear to the throat can cause a feeling of fullness and discomfort in the ear.
  • Foreign objects: Particularly common in children, small objects stuck in the ear can be painful and potentially lead to infections.
  • Changes in air pressure: Known as barotrauma, ear pain can result from pressure changes during air travel or high-altitude journeys.
  • Dental issues: Toothaches or problems with the jaw can cause earaches because of the proximity of certain jaw nerves to the ear canal. Dental evaluation may be necessary if this is the cause.
  • Earwax buildup:  Earwax serves a protective function, but too much can harden and block the ear canal, leading to discomfort and hearing problems.
  • Improper hearing aid fit: Hearing aids that don’t fit properly can cause minor injuries in the ear that may lead to infections.

Options for Treating Ear Pain

Determining the exact cause of ear pain is vital for appropriate treatment. In the case of infections, seeking medical attention is crucial to obtain antibiotics for bacterial infections or receive guidance for viral infections. Over-the-counter pain relievers from Evergreen Pharmacy and warm compresses can alleviate discomfort, and decongestants may be beneficial for sinus-related ear pain.

For dental-related pain, dentists can offer specific treatments for jaw-related discomfort. To ease ear pressure related to Eustachian tube dysfunction or during flights, actions such as yawning, chewing gum or swallowing can be helpful.

Should ear pain be severe, persist over several days or be accompanied by symptoms like high fever, hearing loss or vertigo, it’s important to consult a doctor.

Although ear pain is common, it shouldn’t be ignored. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of its causes and available treatments, you can better protect your hearing health. For additional information or to seek medical advice for ear pain, contact .