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Looking for Ways to Keep Your Hearing Sharp?

Posted on March 19, 2021

Hearing Loss

Try out these apps and exercises for at-home rehabilitation.

With app developers and manufacturers focusing more on health care, there is no shortage of applications for people concerned with their hearing health. Meanwhile, there are plenty of tried-and-true, free offline exercises audiologists have been encouraging patients to engage in, as well. As we continue to weather the pandemic era, consider these apps and at-home exercises to keep you and the whole family hearing your best

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This web-based interactive program is subscription-based. clEAR is composed of different customized lesson plans based on individual readiness for amplification and listening needs, along with interactive games included. clEAR is the only program that allows training with a ‘Frequent Communication Partner’, such as a spouse, grandchild or teacher (price*: $24.99/month subscription plan).

Hear CoachHear Coach App (for iPhone, iPad & Android)

A free auditory training program designed for users to take advantage of a wide variety of listening games, Hear Coach can be accessed on a cellular device or iPad. Individuals can track their progress over time and unlock more challenging levels as performance improves. Each game is structured around varying levels of background noise, intended to help train the auditory system in different environments (price*: FREE).


This fee-based web program was developed specifically for older adults with hearing loss. LACE is composed of several training modules designed to help improve hearing in more challenging environments, such as background noise (price*: $79.00 with a free demo available on website).

Looking to Put Down the Devices? Consider These Offline Options:

  1. Exercise #1: Filter noise at home. Sound filtering involves focusing on the essential while filtering out unnecessary background noise. This allows you to follow conversations more easily in noisy, crowded settings. To do this exercise, invite a friend over and prepare several sources of noise: e.g., music, TV, a laptop computer. Begin a conversation with your friend and turn on one of the devices. Practice focusing on their words rather than the competing distraction. Repeat with other devices until you can focus your attention on the conversation.
  2. Exercise #2: Identify and locate sounds. Find a comfortable spot to sit, close your eyes, and try to focus on specific sounds to determine the source of the noise: e.g., a talking child, or shoes clicking by. Ask yourself some questions: how big is the object making the noise? Or how does it make me feel? These mental exercises will help you figure out where sounds are coming from and improve your mental focus.
  3. Exercise #3: Brain games. A sharp, clear mind improves all your senses—not just your hearing. Mental exercises can help you learn to distinguish sounds better. There are endless choices; crossword and jigsaw puzzles, memory games, chess or Scrabble. Or concentrate on a specific activity, such as drawing a picture. The more you work out your brain, the better your hearing will be.

Curious where your hearing ability stands? Request an appointment today for a hearing evaluation.