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How To Prevent Sinus Issues During Summer Travel

Posted on June 14, 2024


It’s time for sunny days in Blue Bell Park, refreshing popsicles and your summer vacations. While hopping on a plane for your favorite warm vacation is a great way to spend your summer, for many travelers, plane rides can come with an unwelcome companion: sinus infections. If you’ve ever found yourself battling a sinus infection during or after your summer travels, you’re not alone.

The combination of elevation change, allergen exposure and dehydration can create the perfect storm for sinus issues. Let’s explore why these factors can lead to sinus issues and what you can do to stay healthy.

Elevation Change

Woman sneezing on a plane

You’re likely familiar with the popping sensation in your ears when you take off or land during a flight. Sinus squeeze, also known as barosinusitis or aerosinusitis, is a similar sensation. When you rapidly change elevation, if the pressure in your sinuses fails to equalize, symptoms including nosebleeds, runny nose, tooth pain, teary eyes and sinus pain can occur.  

A few ways to help prevent worsening sinus issues while flying include taking allergy medications and nasal decongestants to relieve sinus pressure and using nasal irrigation to unstop mucus blockages.

Allergen Exposure

Allergies can irritate the lining of your sinuses, leading to congestion, runny nose, facial pain and a sinus infection. Even if your allergies are not usually severe, your vacation destination may cause a reaction. For instance, you might not notice low pollen levels in your area but react to higher levels in your vacation destination.

To help prevent an allergic reaction from ruining your vacation, carry allergy medication with you and use decongestants when necessary. Contact your ENT or allergy specialist if you’re unsure which allergy management option would best suit your needs.


When you travel, the combination of dry cabin or car air and decreased fluid intake can result in dehydration—leading to worsening sinus pressure, pain, congestion and irritated nasal passages. To help combat this, drink plenty of water, decaffeinated tea or fresh fruit juices for hydrated sinuses.

To learn more about caring for your sinus health this summer, contact today to make an appointment with one of our specialists.