Is Earwax Contributing to Your Tinnitus?
Earwax blockages affect approximately 10% of children and 5% of adults. While earwax blockages are most frequently associated with ear pain or fullness, one less-discussed symptom of the condition is tinnitus. What is Tinnitus? An estimated 50 million Americans experience tinnitus, characterized by hearing noises like ringing or buzzing that cannot be attributed to an…
Can CBD Help Relieve Ringing in the Ears, a.k.a. Tinnitus?
Although there’s no cure for tinnitus, there are multiple ways to manage it. In recent years, some people have tried a new technique—consuming cannabidiol, a.k.a. CBD. What the Research Shows Very few human clinical studies testing CBD as a treatment for tinnitus exist, and the ones that do have mixed results, with none showing patients…
What Are Your Ménière’s Disease Symptom Management Options?
Ménière’s disease is an uncommon disease characterized by hearing loss, tinnitus and impactful vertigo. It’s difficult to diagnose due to its symptoms resembling those of other diseases. It progresses slowly and significantly impacts an individual. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Ménière’s disease, you may be wondering how to manage your…
Is There a Link Between Tinnitus and Earwax?
Believe it or not, earwax is actually a good thing. In the right amount, it can help protect your ear from debris and reduce your risk of infection. However, too much earwax can lead to buildup, which can cause a number of other problems, including tinnitus. What Is Tinnitus? Tinnitus is often described as a ringing…
Is There a Link Between Tinnitus and GERD?
Tinnitus and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are both very common conditions. While research has yet to establish a definitive link between the two conditions, there are reasons to believe having GERD may increase your risk of experiencing tinnitus. What Is GERD? GERD, also commonly referred to as acid reflux, occurs when stomach acid flows back…
Can COVID-19 Worsen Tinnitus?
Roughly one in five Americans experience tinnitus, the perception of noise in the ears frequently compared to a ringing or similar sound. Many factors contribute to tinnitus; now we can add COVID-19, thanks to a recent study from Angela Ruskin University in Cambridge, England The study, which looked at 3,103 people with tinnitus from 48 countries, was conducted in cooperation…
Can B12 Relieve Your Tinnitus?
B12 is an important vitamin that plays a key role in keeping your body healthy. Researchers from Era’s Lucknow Medical College were interested to see if the benefits from this vitamin extended to the ear, specifically if it could help those suffering from tinnitus. Their results were published in Noise & Health, an international journal….
Managing Tinnitus During a Pandemic
This year has been a challenging time for people across the globe in more ways in one. From the pandemic to natural disasters to political upheaval, everyone is feeling more stressed out than usual. This is unfortunate for tinnitus sufferers, as stress is one of the major triggers for tinnitus symptoms. If your tinnitus has…
The Connection Between Hearing Loss & Tinnitus
Approximately 15 percent of adults are affected by tinnitus, a term that describes ringing, hissing, buzzing, whistling or roaring sounds in the ears with no external sound source. Tinnitus is different for everybody, as it can be constant or intermittent and range from a minor nuisance to a debilitating experience. Research shows that people with…
Can Yoga Treat Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is the ringing, buzzing, whistling, hissing or roaring sound in your ears with no external source. It affects over 50 million Americans and can affect one or both ears. Symptoms can range from mild to debilitating. Unfortunately, there is no cure for tinnitus, but there are strategies to help lessen the symptoms. What Causes…