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How to Tell if Your Loved One Has Hearing Loss

Posted on April 26, 2023

Hearing Loss

An article published in the National Library of Medicine reports, “In adults, the prevalence appears to be nearly two-thirds of adults over 70 years of age in the United States, though it may be much higher.” This means you likely have a loved one who experiences this condition. If you do, it’s important to encourage them to seek treatment because untreated hearing loss has been linked to social isolation, feelings of loneliness, anxiety, depression and even dementia. In this post, we review how to tell if your loved one has hearing loss.

They Turn Up the TV Very Loud

One of the telltale signs of untreated hearing loss is turning up the television much louder than is comfortable for others. The reason people with hearing loss tend to do this is because the dialogue is competing with background music and sound effects.

They Respond Inappropriately

During conversations, it’s also common for people with untreated hearing loss to respond in a way that doesn’t really make sense. This is because, even if they claim they can hear you, they may not understand what you’re saying.

They Ask You to Repeat Yourself Often

While some people will guess what you’re saying and respond inappropriately, others will take a more cautious approach and ask you to repeat yourself constantly. They may also say “huh?” or “what?” a lot.

They’re Becoming Socially Isolated

Rather than trying to navigate social situations and potentially embarrassing themselves, many people with untreated hearing loss will become socially withdrawn. If you notice your loved one hanging out by themselves during gatherings at Dillworth Park in Philadelphia, or simply not attending, this is another sign of hearing loss.

They Have an Especially Difficult Time Talking on the Phone

Phone conversations are notoriously challenging because there aren’t any visual cues to rely on.

They Have Balance Problems

One comorbidity of hearing loss is balance problems. Because both systems are housed in the inner ear, damage to one system often indicates damage to the other.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with a hearing expert, call Pinnacle ENT today.